Collapses survey data to get direct estimates (i.e. non-pooled sample porportions)

direct_ests(.formula, .data, area_var, weight_var = NULL, shape = "wide")



MRP formula. Only thing that will be used is the outcome variable (a binary variable)


Survey data to be collapsed


Character for the variable(s) that corresponds to the area to aggregate to.


Character for the variable that corresponds to weights.


Whether to return the output in "wide" (with one row per states) or "long" (one row per state x estimate). Defaults to "wide".


A wide dataframe where each row is a area, p_raw indicates the raw average, p_wt indicates the weighted average (if weight_var is provided), and n_raw is the raw sample size. We also provide standard errors in the form se_se_raw follows the standard standard error for proportion sqrt(p*(1-p)/n). The se_wt implements the weighted standard error, where the sample size is replaced with the effective sample size, sum(wt)^2 / sum(wt^2).


 direct_ests(response ~ (1|cd), cces_GA,
             area_var = "cd",
             weight_var = "weight_post")
#> # A tibble: 14 × 7
#>    cd    p_raw  p_wt n_raw se_raw  n_wt  se_wt
#>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 GA-01 0.506 0.463    85 0.0542  43.6 0.0755
#>  2 GA-02 0.537 0.635    67 0.0609  30.5 0.0872
#>  3 GA-03 0.359 0.319    78 0.0543  60.2 0.0601
#>  4 GA-04 0.717 0.678   127 0.0400  69.8 0.0559
#>  5 GA-05 0.730 0.796   111 0.0422  30.7 0.0727
#>  6 GA-06 0.559 0.560   102 0.0492  78.6 0.0560
#>  7 GA-07 0.46  0.418   100 0.0498  49.8 0.0699
#>  8 GA-08 0.295 0.407    61 0.0584  33.3 0.0851
#>  9 GA-09 0.265 0.207   102 0.0437  72.1 0.0477
#> 10 GA-10 0.406 0.461    96 0.0501  60.7 0.0640
#> 11 GA-11 0.425 0.401   127 0.0439  68.7 0.0591
#> 12 GA-12 0.368 0.391    76 0.0553  47.5 0.0708
#> 13 GA-13 0.545 0.495    99 0.0500  52.2 0.0692
#> 14 GA-14 0.2   0.218    75 0.0462  31.5 0.0736