Overall |
Fits and tidies MRP outputs in one step |
Direct Estimator |
Fit models |
Fitted brms model |
Fit a binary model for MRP |
Fit a brms model with count data |
Use priors and covariates to generate a prior predictive distribution |
Poststratify |
Get MCMC draws of post-stratified estimate of demog x cd cells |
Take output from brms prediction and turn to tidy form |
Do post-stratification and summarize draws in one step |
Summarize and Visualize |
Get summary statistics from draws (of counts) |
Calibration |
Find one-way (intercept) correction for cell estimates |
Find two-way correction for cell estimates |
Compute absolute deviation |
A logit transformation as implemented by Ghitza |
Example Datasets |
CCES 2016 from Georgia |
ACS Data |
Election outcome (often the quantity to estimate) |
Fitted brms model |
Summary statistics of posterior samples. |