Use priors and covariates to generate a prior predictive distribution

  verbose = TRUE,
  .prior = c(prior_string("normal(0, 1)", class = "b"), prior_string("normal(0, 1)",
    class = "sd"), prior_string("normal(0, 1)", class = "Intercept")),
  .iter = 1000,
  .warmup = floor(.iter/2),
  .cores = 2,
  .chains = 2,
  .backend = "rstan",
  .seed = 2138



model specification


collapsed survey dataset, built from ccesMRPprep::build_counts


Whether to show iteration messages


prior specification that can be interpreted by brms. The default is a standard normal prior, which is tighter than the brms default but has shown to have good prior posterior draws


Number of total iterations.


Of the iterations, how much are burn-ins. Defaults to half.


Number of cores to uses


Number of chains to pass on fit_brms


The backend argument of brms. Defaults to "rstan", can also be "cmdstanr"


seed for randomization to pass into brm