The CPS is a survey that includes self-reported vote, as well as a variety of other economic indicators. It has less geographic granularity than the ACS.

The CPS runs monthly, and in a given month collects about 130,000 repondents, or the twice the amount the CCES collects in a year. Only the November survey includes a “Voter Supplement”, which includes a question about the respondent’s vote turnout.

Variable and counts

We list the counts of key demographic variables here, using the one-way tabulations in ?cps_onewaytabs


sex 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
male 66,195 64,595 65,349 64,832 66,091 63,680 59,838
female 69,851 68,217 68,830 68,595 69,221 67,709 62,906

age (5-way)

age 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
18 to 24 years 11,847 11,512 11,544 11,390 11,377 10,827 9,646
25 to 34 years 16,936 16,727 17,169 17,312 17,424 17,133 15,713
35 to 44 years 19,703 18,076 17,586 17,113 16,918 16,309 15,551
45 to 64 years 36,097 36,082 36,957 36,443 36,620 35,281 32,458
65 years and over 17,527 17,611 18,494 19,753 21,432 21,856 22,235
33,936 32,804 32,429 31,416 31,541 29,983 27,141


educ 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
niu or blank 27,652 26,943 26,685 26,112 26,136 24,743 22,352
none or preschool 337 351 340 334 301 320 282
grades 1, 2, 3, or 4 783 663 716 623 634 551 489
grades 5 or 6 1,524 1,416 1,366 1,281 1,242 1,210 1,018
grades 7 or 8 3,225 2,701 2,582 2,390 2,241 2,064 1,772
grade 9 3,633 3,319 3,269 2,861 3,086 2,876 2,618
grade 10 4,450 4,104 3,932 3,658 3,590 3,339 2,896
grade 11 4,579 4,261 4,192 3,974 3,971 3,637 3,208
12th grade, no diploma 1,592 1,413 1,425 1,583 1,798 1,630 1,557
high school diploma or equivalent 32,700 31,519 31,812 30,986 31,127 30,077 27,882
some college but no degree 19,430 19,541 19,708 19,488 19,585 19,019 17,219
associate’s degree, occupational/vocational program 4,706 4,227 4,640 4,429 4,653 4,322 4,152
associate’s degree, academic program 4,277 4,822 4,831 5,437 5,577 5,730 5,441
bachelor’s degree 17,872 18,180 18,668 19,637 20,086 20,332 20,231
master’s degree 6,603 6,745 7,288 7,754 8,202 8,501 8,560
professional school degree 1,367 1,474 1,409 1,351 1,480 1,401 1,270
doctorate degree 1,316 1,133 1,316 1,529 1,603 1,637 1,797


race 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
white 111,927 108,814 109,153 108,295 108,236 104,857 98,344
black/negro 13,442 13,336 14,162 13,786 14,846 14,055 12,616
american indian/aleut/eskimo 1,581 1,516 1,399 1,533 1,940 1,990 1,673
asian only 5,440 5,727 6,106 6,237 6,805 6,972 6,651
hawaiian/pacific islander only 490 549 555 638 561 614 547
white-black 559 691 702 816 788 811 925
white-american indian 1,349 1,014 931 929 948 866 847
white-asian 502 457 467 525 530 526 548
white-hawaiian/pacific islander 166 140 112 155 126 143 117
black-american indian 128 92 110 113 105 127 94
black-asian 35 36 35 49 42 54 46
black-hawaiian/pacific islander 5 6 18 12 13 22 13
american indian-asian 13 13 10 1 8 18 9
asian-hawaiian/pacific islander 135 110 118 83 96 89 63
white-black-american indian 92 94 79 83 79 115 90
white-black-asian 7 8 6 25 23 11 13
white-american indian-asian 18 24 12 19 6 12 26
white-asian-hawaiian/pacific islander 104 161 163 90 119 78 81
white-black-american indian-asian 5 4 1 5 2 1 8
american indian-hawaiian/pacific islander 6 2 6 5
white-black–hawaiian/pacific islander 6 7 8 3
white-american indian-hawaiian/pacific islander 7 7 5 18
black-american indian-asian 4 2 1
white-american indian-asian-hawaiian/pacific islander 2 1 1
two or three races, unspecified 28 17 26 1 7 2 1
four or five races, unspecified 20 3 14 9 12 5 5

hispanic origin

hispan 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
not hispanic 119,010 115,769 116,315 115,139 116,709 112,419 104,744
mexican 10,757 10,657 11,468 11,585 11,842 11,910 11,338
puerto rican 1,580 1,744 1,737 1,627 1,658 1,680 1,450
cuban 592 545 530 610 603 705 644
dominican 545 640 604
salvadoran 691 609 648
other hispanic 998 993 927 997 1,266 1,164 1,301
central/south american 3,109 3,104 3,202 3,469
central american, (excluding salvadoran) 968 1,053 1,004
south american 1,030 1,209 1,011

Self-reported vote

voted 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
did not vote 36,754 20,692 35,017 23,223 39,488 22,238 25,606
voted 47,175 59,975 44,802 59,597 42,559 58,533 48,337
refused 1,082 1,249 1,392 1,360 1,695 1,573 1,380
don’t know 2,113 1,055 1,858 1,391 2,261 1,471 1,800
no response 6,971 9,389 11,139 8,740 10,264 9,979 11,626
not in universe 41,951 40,452 39,971 39,116 39,045 37,595 33,995


statefip 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
alabama 1,481 1,444 1,529 1,392 2,331 2,651 2,500
alaska 1,784 1,799 1,675 1,636 1,705 1,720 1,424
arizona 1,923 1,540 1,678 1,669 2,067 2,145 1,981
arkansas 1,433 1,468 1,482 1,529 2,150 2,342 2,210
california 11,442 11,331 11,558 11,629 11,856 11,200 10,671
colorado 2,851 2,931 2,875 2,941 2,199 1,551 1,479
connecticut 3,063 2,994 3,068 2,878 2,130 1,228 1,251
delaware 2,124 2,024 2,117 2,155 1,825 1,508 1,425
district of columbia 1,715 1,626 1,696 1,859 1,890 2,094 1,974
florida 5,830 4,958 5,121 5,209 5,534 5,777 5,304
georgia 2,950 2,806 2,885 2,805 3,029 2,799 2,834
hawaii 1,962 2,019 2,092 2,096 2,142 2,059 1,826
idaho 1,700 1,546 1,606 1,572 1,852 2,195 1,992
illinois 4,041 4,041 3,979 4,165 3,913 3,847 3,505
indiana 2,091 2,163 2,046 2,054 2,186 2,110 1,930
iowa 2,503 2,589 2,534 2,487 1,786 1,569 1,472
kansas 1,963 1,934 1,981 1,931 1,830 1,746 1,577
kentucky 1,935 1,897 1,977 1,855 1,829 1,661 1,555
louisiana 1,243 1,228 1,269 1,391 2,701 2,896 2,820
maine 2,472 2,536 2,414 2,329 1,458 1,152 1,021
maryland 3,146 3,115 3,145 3,119 2,513 1,552 1,583
massachusetts 2,042 2,048 2,046 2,118 2,385 2,711 2,523
michigan 3,307 3,108 3,139 3,121 3,022 2,937 2,831
minnesota 3,205 3,219 3,217 3,267 2,280 1,744 1,614
mississippi 1,264 1,301 1,274 1,185 2,249 2,460 2,309
missouri 2,287 2,288 2,313 2,198 1,943 1,868 1,742
montana 1,370 1,268 1,212 1,253 2,133 2,626 2,187
nebraska 2,030 2,155 2,136 2,032 1,770 1,707 1,528
nevada 2,193 1,888 2,029 1,973 1,825 1,784 1,602
new hampshire 2,945 2,925 2,766 2,798 2,136 1,699 1,661
new jersey 2,845 2,860 2,843 2,677 2,652 2,647 2,352
new mexico 1,354 1,135 1,124 1,148 1,867 2,430 2,193
new york 5,834 5,701 5,650 5,682 5,465 5,119 4,916
north carolina 2,620 2,622 2,663 2,708 2,914 3,037 2,808
north dakota 1,738 1,653 1,739 1,679 1,848 2,021 1,834
ohio 3,779 3,672 3,848 3,523 3,625 3,454 2,988
oklahoma 1,721 1,653 1,646 1,451 2,033 1,883 1,820
oregon 1,830 1,923 1,881 1,977 1,957 2,027 1,732
pennsylvania 3,958 4,203 3,976 4,090 3,831 3,711 3,383
rhode island 2,334 2,348 2,272 2,255 1,721 1,169 1,216
south carolina 1,723 1,664 1,736 1,732 1,950 2,002 1,959
south dakota 2,094 2,048 2,128 2,169 1,510 1,501 1,431
tennessee 1,867 1,771 1,831 1,747 2,247 2,410 2,382
texas 6,850 6,937 7,138 7,131 7,468 7,371 6,923
utah 1,890 1,716 1,764 1,829 2,086 2,239 2,060
vermont 1,967 2,051 1,882 1,894 1,833 1,739 1,614
virginia 3,012 2,619 2,899 2,886 2,811 2,487 2,390
washington 2,402 2,258 2,393 2,388 2,303 2,283 2,299
west virginia 1,679 1,553 1,476 1,510 2,464 2,831 2,613
wisconsin 2,552 2,564 2,576 2,546 2,157 1,818 1,720
wyoming 1,702 1,672 1,855 1,759 1,901 1,872 1,780

county (if not anonymized)

county 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
79,723 78,101 78,634 77,898 80,171 77,833 72,879
Baldwin, AL 80 91 98 107 159 184 161
Calhoun, AL 84 100 90 120
Jefferson, AL 238 244 188 224 111
Lee, AL 161 129 165
Mobile, AL 107 114 116 84 168 194 188
Shelby, AL 84 59 52 50 16
Cochise, AZ 85 70 79 61
Maricopa, AZ 1,181 917 969 978 1,285 1,377 1,192
Mohave, AZ 59 52 61 47
Pima, AZ 303 256 275 309 329 319 320
Pinal, AZ 114 112 104 83 96 108 123
Yavapai, AZ 59 71 54 76 75 83 99
Yuma, AZ 99 98 101
Pulaski, AR 209 150 172 182 83
Alameda, CA 431 459 539 560 540 470 474
Butte, CA 54 68 80 62 90 74 56
El Dorado, CA 49 39 46 61 60 60 52
Fresno, CA 251 258 251 292 267 268 327
Imperial, CA 60 84 101 93
Kern, CA 260 231 258 231 265 242 221
Kings, CA 133 129 118
Los Angeles, CA 3,118 3,099 2,927 3,105 3,195 2,923 2,856
Madera, CA 84 79 107 52
Merced, CA 84 99 103 100
Monterey, CA 140 128 118 134 86 125 120
Napa, CA 53 56 56 83
Orange, CA 1,058 1,047 1,103 1,001 992 944 885
Placer, CA 105 102 105 114 92 120 106
Riverside, CA 658 570 628 660 329
Sacramento, CA 423 411 456 408 465 482 378
San Bernardino, CA 615 639 590 592 290
San Diego, CA 948 924 901 937 987 907 912
San Francisco, CA 229 180 241 243 239 253 197
San Joaquin, CA 202 210 180 219 208 229 191
San Luis Obispo, CA 87 58 77 68 75 72 75
San Mateo, CA 242 197 248 221 256 226 221
Santa Barbara, CA 118 99 127 125 135 123 150
Santa Cruz, CA 64 66 74 88 79 98 65
Shasta, CA 127 79 94
Solano, CA 153 151 138 126 102 114 111
Sonoma, CA 130 162 160 167 133 143 119
Stanislaus, CA 185 167 193 186 157 186 165
Tulare, CA 124 105 130 126 139 131 123
Ventura, CA 252 308 279 265 258 230 203
Yolo, CA 51 56 75 63 77 58 73
Boulder, CO 196 246 247 211 143 83 111
Denver, CO 303 314 343 344 257 189 162
Douglas, CO 208 210 171 218 97
Jefferson, CO 276 315 301 279 298 161 148
Larimer, CO 192 187 180 228 166 87 96
Pueblo, CO 144 141 119 148
Weld, CO 160 165 165 147 159 83 88
Fairfield, CT 152 338 342
Litchfield, CT 53 75 49
New Haven, CT 157 287 302
Windham, CT 18 44 39
Kent, DE 381 338 396 417 367 332 273
New Castle, DE 1,285 1,249 1,277 1,314 1,064 830 741
Sussex, DE 458 437 444 424 394 346 411
District of Columbia, DC 1,715 1,626 1,696 1,859 1,890 2,094 1,974
Alachua, FL 76 65 58 61 42
Bay, FL 79 66 69 67 66 78 39
Brevard, FL 214 147 146 155 201 151 132
Broward, FL 616 473 447 460 495 528 485
Charlotte, FL 72 50 43 44
Clay, FL 54 47 49 25 39 67 51
Collier, FL 86 64 78 86 115 100 101
Escambia, FL 90 97 109 91 60 85 54
Hernando, FL 65 66 59 68 44 71 52
Hillsborough, FL 341 309 278 342 300 424 382
Indian River, FL 79 76 73 53
Lake, FL 64 84 57 84 149 93 89
Lee, FL 159 131 186 180 167 187 126
Marion, FL 89 76 79 58 104 102 102
Martin, FL 25 54 46
Miami-Dade, FL 760 649 705 750 768 705 747
Okaloosa, FL 83 77 72 84
Orange, FL 423 336 396 377 387 315 290
Osceola, FL 89 62 64 52 40
Palm Beach, FL 440 369 357 346 433 400 340
Pasco, FL 134 134 133 125 158 157 179
Pinellas, FL 341 311 312 310 290 244 218
Polk, FL 143 137 128 157 159 160 241
St. Johns, FL 53 73 75 100 102 62 77
St. Lucie, FL 37 73 93
Santa Rosa, FL 50 37 38 40 65 70 73
Seminole, FL 86 68 71 92 15
Volusia, FL 181 143 139 139 68
Bartow, GA 13 32 23
Carroll, GA 17 46 25
Cherokee, GA 74 81 91 93 132 74 80
Clayton, GA 83 81 62 68 48 71 49
Coweta, GA 26 33 37
Douglas, GA 9 34 46
Fayette, GA 22 21 25
Forsyth, GA 15 73 59
Gwinnett, GA 280 279 315 260 269 229 218
Hall, GA 55 98 62
Henry, GA 42 44 43 29 45 62 50
Houston, GA 27 50 37 54 33
Paulding, GA 29 35 41
Hawaii, HI 254 288 281 264 104
Honolulu, HI 1,399 1,452 1,483 1,499 1,608 1,458 1,263
Kootenai, ID 119 122 131 122 51
Kankakee, IL 83 83 67 104 41
Lake, IL 105 219 202
LaSalle, IL 90 117 105 110
McHenry, IL 110 92 86 96 80 81 83
McLean, IL 96 84 63 58 31
Macon, IL 73 67 63 84
Madison, IL 56 65 73 52 61 77 69
St. Clair, IL 103 83 99 111 70 45 96
Tazewell, IL 31 38 15 36 29 47 44
Clark, IN 23 39 32
Elkhart, IN 83 107 88
Hamilton, IN 58 95 71 101 44
Hendricks, IN 73 76 73 59 84 73 50
Johnson, IN 73 58 49 50 64 38 45
Lake, IN 148 153 167 175 130 134 124
LaPorte, IN 67 74 70 71 22
Madison, IN 51 47 50 67 38
Monroe, IN 6 67 45
St. Joseph, IN 105 98 100 77 88 103 66
Johnson, IA 158 155 141 146 77 59 92
Linn, IA 185 169 187 182 132 126 84
Polk, IA 359 376 347 353 216
Scott, IA 115 120 122 161 107 79 93
Douglas, KS 107 120 149 103 73
Johnson, KS 181 367 349
Sedgwick, KS 331 337 328 347 337 368 278
Boone, KY 22 72 58
Fayette, KY 146 167 161 163 104 143 120
Jefferson, KY 316 300 361 305 309 276 244
Kenton, KY 84 95 86 114 89 89 41
Ascension Parish, LA 22 92 96
Calcasieu Parish, LA 86 101 77 74 63
East Baton Rouge Parish, LA 111 92 109 114 221 275 263
Jefferson Parish, LA 121 128 143 152 233 250 260
Livingston Parish, LA 50 113 81
Orleans Parish, LA 50 76 93 90 164 184 185
Ouachita Parish, LA 79 92 130
St. Tammany Parish, LA 49 55 65 69 143 182 183
Androscoggin, ME 43 76 103
Cumberland, ME 120 304 193
Kennebec, ME 193 231 208 192 129 123 110
Penobscot, ME 36 122 118
Anne Arundel, MD 289 251 296 324 232 196 164
Carroll, MD 108 99 108 109 72 22 51
Cecil, MD 18 13 19
Charles, MD 79 92 62 67 90 45 44
Harford, MD 155 142 127 118 116 46 73
Howard, MD 160 220 221 215 73
Montgomery, MD 152 288 265
Prince George’s, MD 415 377 407 378 416 244 234
Washington, MD 83 83 92 74
Baltimore city, MD 98 108 125
Barnstable, MA 42 46 74
Bristol, MA 123 234 209
Essex, MA 176 337 290
Hampden, MA 89 207 168
Hampshire, MA 40 51 67
Middlesex, MA 329 650 632
Norfolk, MA 138 272 257
Plymouth, MA 76 233 177
Suffolk, MA 150 258 253
Worcester, MA 167 362 307
Allegan, MI 47 36 35 35 72 63 49
Berrien, MI 47 43 55 51 47 77 55
Calhoun, MI 65 80 81
Genesee, MI 134 126 124 109 80 115 133
Jackson, MI 110 100 75 81 86 80 64
Kent, MI 198 236 201 232 189 214 164
Livingston, MI 24 75 48
Macomb, MI 268 261 233 240 252 241 264
Monroe, MI 76 72 67 72 68 72 108
Muskegon, MI 97 67 86 88 83 82 70
Oakland, MI 452 438 430 422 437 410 381
Ottawa, MI 86 95 75 76 86
Saginaw, MI 59 66 55 64 49 57 42
St. Clair, MI 78 45 65 61 29
Washtenaw, MI 87 64 89 84 107 101 93
Wayne, MI 582 560 552 547 550 510 419
Anoka, MN 179 174 208 200 168 116 119
Dakota, MN 198 213 208 205 122
Ramsey, MN 271 322 289 296 218 178 146
St. Louis, MN 107 103 124 126
Scott, MN 20 53 42
Washington, MN 133 134 133 151 131 75 99
Wright, MN 36 37 16
Boone, MO 59 65 60 61
Franklin, MO 14 52 35
Jefferson, MO 99 73 77 71 64 46 74
St. Louis, MO 450 422 443 354 328 319 282
Yellowstone, MT 201 167 165 182 325 410 354
Douglas, NE 251 519 476
Sarpy, NE 146 161 177 156 91
Clark, NV 1,570 1,365 1,435 1,415 1,240 1,321 1,159
Hillsborough, NH 260 537 558
Merrimack, NH 102 194 155
Rockingham, NH 229 423 386
Strafford, NH 77 152 141
Atlantic, NJ 109 98 96 108 47
Bergen, NJ 294 324 322 298 274 334 329
Burlington, NJ 187 166 169 155 145 114 137
Camden, NJ 165 147 171 189 127 115 118
Cape May, NJ 34 26 32 29 7
Cumberland, NJ 48 30 40 56 47 46 26
Essex, NJ 199 246 202 147 236 215 206
Hudson, NJ 158 212 181 150 167 191 168
Hunterdon, NJ 44 47 47 52 53 56 30
Mercer, NJ 86 91 82 84 96 141 53
Middlesex, NJ 133 267 219
Monmouth, NJ 255 219 227 176 91
Morris, NJ 187 179 205 175 173 181 159
Ocean, NJ 187 190 207 162 83
Passaic, NJ 53 126 113
Somerset, NJ 124 154 124 90 101 103 71
Sussex, NJ 47 51 35 68 40 35 17
Union, NJ 80 156 165
Warren, NJ 42 34 29 49 19
Bernalillo, NM 410 408 429 391 607 799 772
Dona Ana, NM 110 118 125 133 200 260 233
San Juan, NM 94 65 56 66 110 161 111
Santa Fe, NM 63 58 55 49 131 160 136
Bronx, NY 334 364 403 342 344 300 276
Chautauqua, NY 88 89 93 73
Dutchess, NY 79 98 77 77 32
Kings, NY 637 704 735 707 763 681 619
Monroe, NY 242 228 267 270 207 209 197
Nassau, NY 462 478 440 460 351 399 300
New York, NY 450 438 378 480 448 432 375
Onondaga, NY 122 133 119 142 156 155 139
Ontario, NY 32 35 44 31 31 44 40
Orange, NY 131 120 104 126 115 87 119
Queens, NY 697 722 694 640 600 577 533
Richmond, NY 112 117 104 113 104 117 121
Rockland, NY 54 87 67
Saratoga, NY 33 58 54
Suffolk, NY 472 422 408 406 404 351 450
Ulster, NY 93 58 53 67
Westchester, NY 336 273 285 272 258 244 248
Alamance, NC 86 90 110
Buncombe, NC 52 82 81
Davidson, NC 68 39 44 40 65 66 51
Forsyth, NC 86 97 107 83 51 90 106
Iredell, NC 70 44 87 57 21
Mecklenburg, NC 287 295 267 315 320 311 278
Onslow, NC 59 83 106 66 59 79 90
Pitt, NC 45 86 60
Robeson, NC 58 72 61 74 70 86 72
Rowan, NC 45 41 40
Union, NC 21 25 46 45 45 74 60
Wake, NC 245 218 292 286 174
Wayne, NC 92 82 67
Cass, ND 381 358 456 412 203
Clark, OH 48 43 27 30
Clermont, OH 33 53 42 47 37 85 48
Columbiana, OH 73 125 93 84
Cuyahoga, OH 432 320 388 416 199
Delaware, OH 35 40 32 33 38
Fairfield, OH 40 52 92 71 30
Franklin, OH 314 297 357 321 145
Greene, OH 35 57 42
Lake, OH 38 66 67
Licking, OH 104 75 69 63 36 43 37
Lucas, OH 177 180 164 169 148 118 94
Medina, OH 58 66 87 51 55 59 50
Miami, OH 24 45 33
Montgomery, OH 91 152 125
Portage, OH 50 65 73 77 79 25 63
Summit, OH 168 154 160 124 152 170 154
Warren, OH 70 68 69 65 26
Wayne, OH 107 112 123 89
Comanche, OK 112 89 108 95
Deschutes, OR 106 159 118 142 144 160 148
Jackson, OR 74 96 93 79 124 140 124
Lane, OR 161 175 184 179 170 186 140
Linn, OR 130 148 128 119 64
Allegheny, PA 435 454 363 409 367 323 353
Beaver, PA 44 54 48 49 42 60 55
Berks, PA 142 143 152 112 155 145 111
Blair, PA 71 61 68 80
Bucks, PA 215 211 207 206 215 200 126
Butler, PA 48 49 36 54 48 51 59
Cambria, PA 60 54 62 57 65 53 53
Chester, PA 193 198 169 215 175 156 185
Dauphin, PA 97 130 122 131 78 69 86
Delaware, PA 180 268 258 235 167 143 128
Erie, PA 76 114 81 98 113 59 91
Franklin, PA 89 83 96 76 78 70 74
Lancaster, PA 151 141 149 166 162 202 142
Lycoming, PA 118 57 82
Mercer, PA 20 21 28
Monroe, PA 70 77 60 82 65 71 50
Montgomery, PA 183 174 163 186 190 251 209
Philadelphia, PA 376 433 426 377 384 426 346
Schuylkill, PA 107 101 96
Washington, PA 76 51 87 55 56 78 65
Westmoreland, PA 140 154 105 126 134 113 92
York, PA 123 100 150 127 155 113 117
Anderson, SC 55 51 80 68 37
Florence, SC 60 56 56
Greenville, SC 175 167 171 176 97
Horry, SC 101 120 108 139 91 158 138
Lexington, SC 93 111 106 95 52
Richland, SC 134 117 146 158 64
Spartanburg, SC 114 115 116 92 130 103 130
York, SC 89 97 109 121 73 111 123
Blount, TN 23 37 54
Knox, TN 105 110 107 126 157 153 114
Montgomery, TN 83 147 129
Sumner, TN 79 69 76 62 85 74 68
Williamson, TN 26 17 28 28 7
Wilson, TN 33 58 47
Bexar, TX 440 442 514 492 251
Brazoria, TX 90 79 66 82 37
Brazos, TX 84 50 59
Cameron, TX 136 126 132 113 129 79 97
Ector, TX 77 91 69
Ellis, TX 23 46 48 62 52 51 52
El Paso, TX 258 265 284 228 121
Grayson, TX 71 87 88
Gregg, TX 72 67 57 58 37
Hidalgo, TX 189 285 200 224 194 202 186
Johnson, TX 43 38 56 48 29 55 58
Lubbock, TX 85 53 62 57 23
McLennan, TX 115 98 95 86 101 73 50
Midland, TX 75 70 60 59
Potter, TX 49 55 75 72 19
Randall, TX 47 20 13 23 13
Smith, TX 100 61 66
Tarrant, TX 535 498 289 320 206 73 55
Taylor, TX 96 63 57
Webb, TX 75 101 102 84 104 62 98
Wichita, TX 53 79 56
Utah, UT 338 320 301 311 152
Washington, UT 61 101 129
Arlington, VA 89 84 98 115 79 70 87
Chesterfield, VA 148 115 124 162 105 105 108
Fairfax, VA 379 341 410 400 187
Henrico, VA 135 107 126 120 132 100 92
Loudoun, VA 108 99 84 92 141 109 111
Prince William, VA 132 134 196 148 137 128 129
Spotsylvania, VA 11 42 40
Stafford, VA 8 44 41
Alexandria city, VA 78 66 57 68 40
Chesapeake city, VA 77 83 89 95 76 65 55
Hampton city, VA 47 21 40 55 18
Newport News city, VA 56 65 71 62 59 22 32
Norfolk city, VA 84 76 88 76 65 64 56
Portsmouth city, VA 26 26 47 40 56
Richmond city, VA 62 44 61 71 83 65 77
Virginia Beach city, VA 186 177 171 136 115 176 112
King, WA 726 633 700 668 475 256 270
Kitsap, WA 89 70 82 91
Skagit, WA 120 110 112
Snohomish, WA 46 9
Spokane, WA 180 125 143 167 65
Thurston, WA 108 121 111 93
Whatcom, WA 90 79 80 80
Yakima, WA 112 111 118 104
Kanawha, WV 204 308 247
Kenosha, WI 48 55 44
La Crosse, WI 88 94 112 117
Marathon, WI 99 100 91 95 80 66 47
Racine, WI 114 121 113 116 108 99 84
Rock, WI 92 65 84 95 51 57 69
Winnebago, WI 66 94 81 66 75 27 56