Each vector defines a partition, or at least an attempt at one. Each element of
the vector is a code for a ACS variable, which can be used,
for example in the variables
argument of tidycensus::get_acs()
. Some of
these will be collapsed for MRP to form a common denominator with the CCES; see
There are 160 codes in acscodes_age_sex_race
because they specify cells
interacting age (10 bins, later coarsened to 5), sex (2 bins), and race/ethnicity (8 bins).
There are 70 codes in acscodes_age_sex_educ
because they specify cells
interacting age (5 bins), sex (2 bins), and education (7 bins).
There are 64 codes in acscodes_sex_educ_race
because they specify cells
interacting sex (2 bins), education (4 bins, later recoded to 3), and race (8 bins).
The entire partition is not actually exhaustive; it appears to only limit to 25 years and above.
Cross-check with acscodes_df to verify.
acscodes_df for a definition of all codes, and the Vignette on ACS value pairs.
#> [1] "B01001B_007" "B01001B_008" "B01001B_009" "B01001B_010" "B01001B_011"
#> [6] "B01001B_012"
#> [1] "B15001_004" "B15001_005" "B15001_006" "B15001_007" "B15001_008"
#> [6] "B15001_009"
#> [1] "C15002B_003" "C15002B_004" "C15002B_005" "C15002B_006" "C15002B_008"
#> [6] "C15002B_009"