Reduce the dimensionality of the table

  report = "counts",
  new_name = "n_aggregate",
  warnings = FALSE



The population table, collapsed in terms of counts. Must contain all variables in the RHS of formula, as well as the variables specified in area_var and count_var below.


A character vector of the area of interest.


A character vector of the variables to keep. By design, this should be fewer variables than what is available in poptable.


A character variable that specifies which variable in poptable indicates the count


Should the output be in simple counts (the default, "counts") or the proportion that count represents in the area ("proportions")?


What should the new count (or proportion) variable be called?


Show some warnings about zero cells in the original data? Defaults to FALSE


A dataframe of counts or proportions. By design, it will include the variables area_var, X_vars, and whatever is specified in new_name.


 # If you want to estimate education by female and age
 collapse_table(acs_race_NY, area_var = "cd", X_vars = c("female", "age"),
                count_var = "count")
#> # A tibble: 270 × 4
#>    cd    female age               n_aggregate
#>    <chr>  <int> <fct>                   <dbl>
#>  1 NY-01      0 18 to 24 years          34123
#>  2 NY-01      0 25 to 34 years          45361
#>  3 NY-01      0 35 to 44 years          41146
#>  4 NY-01      0 45 to 64 years         104998
#>  5 NY-01      0 65 years and over       57557
#>  6 NY-01      1 18 to 24 years          32579
#>  7 NY-01      1 25 to 34 years          42309
#>  8 NY-01      1 35 to 44 years          42232
#>  9 NY-01      1 45 to 64 years         104236
#> 10 NY-01      1 65 years and over       71758
#> # … with 260 more rows

 # Report proportions
 collapse_table(acs_race_NY, area_var = "cd", X_vars = c("female", "age"),
                count_var = "count",
                report = "proportions", new_name = "prop_in_cd")
#> Warning: You asked for proporitons but the value of `new_name` looks more appropriate for a count.
#> # A tibble: 270 × 4
#>    cd    female age               prop_in_cd
#>    <chr>  <int> <fct>                  <dbl>
#>  1 NY-01      0 18 to 24 years        0.0592
#>  2 NY-01      0 25 to 34 years        0.0787
#>  3 NY-01      0 35 to 44 years        0.0714
#>  4 NY-01      0 45 to 64 years        0.182 
#>  5 NY-01      0 65 years and over     0.0999
#>  6 NY-01      1 18 to 24 years        0.0565
#>  7 NY-01      1 25 to 34 years        0.0734
#>  8 NY-01      1 35 to 44 years        0.0733
#>  9 NY-01      1 45 to 64 years        0.181 
#> 10 NY-01      1 65 years and over     0.125 
#> # … with 260 more rows